About University | UDEA

About University



We live in a dynamic governance environment where human capital, information resources and knowledge are among the most important assets of public and private organizations. That is, large-scale and deep reforms are being carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan in all spheres of public life, so the main attention is paid to the radical renewal of the education system, including the higher education system.

In recent years, there have been some changes in the dynamics of the demand for many professions in the market of labor. This was mostly caused by globalization, the development of information technology and integration processes, which are intensifying every year. At the same time, young people have new opportunities in choosing a future profession or changing the current one. The decision about which university to enter is made by young people with their own deep understanding and thinking about the far future.

In the modern world, employers do not pay great attention to the availability of higher education, by prioritizing self-education and self-employment of a candidate. Therefore, those universities, where youngsters show themselves in their knowledge, remain a field that opens doors to a new world.

Taking into account the information mentioned above and based on the tasks implemented in strengthening the UN General Assembly, we decided to establish the higher-education University of Digital Economics and Agrotechnologies in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Prof. Abduraupov Rustam Ramzovich

UDEA Rector

Background and Context

Date of establishment:  January 7, 2022

Our Vision (by 2030): We see the university as one of the leading Higher Educational Institutions in the Central Asia, providing high quality education, carrying out research and ensuring successful transfer of innovations in the fields of digital economics and agrotechnologies in effective partnership with the stakeholders within the framework of the sustainable development goals.

Our Mission: To create an opportunity for the youth of Uzbekistan to obtain world class education, conduct internationally recognized research and become responsible citizen.

Our Goal: To offer quality educational services, aimed at preparing successful leaders of the digital future

"University 3.0" Ecosystem

High quality education materials;

Research inspiring environment;

Active support for R&D and their successful commercialization.

Effective Team Development

Competence-based selection of staff;

Individual development plans;

Corporate ethics policy;

Bottom-up approach in management.

Digitalization of the Processes

Modern tailored platform for university management;

Accessibility of the learning materials;

Data protection.

New Uzbekistan Development Strategy for 2022 – 2026

– Digital economy as a key driver of national social-economic growth
– Increase the share of digital economics by 2,5 times
– Digitalization of the governmental services and transfer of 20% of governmental services to the private sector
– Digitalization of at least 70% of processes in financial and banking sphere
– Software development and export of software

“Digital Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy

– More than 400 information systems, e-services and other software in various fields of national economy
– More than 280 information systems and software products for automation of management, production and logistic processes in real economy
– More than 580 thousand people need to be trained in basics of coding
– More than 12 thousand of civil servants need to be trained for IT skills

Coventry University (UK) Rankings

Coventry University is a dynamic and outward-looking institution with a tradition of teaching excellence, impactful research and bold international partnerships. Through Coventry’s worldwide network of collaborators in academia and industry, the 50,000+ learners studying its degrees across the world enjoy access to global opportunities which aim to enhance their future employment prospect

Partnership with Coventry University (UK)

UDEA has received institutional approval from Coventry University (UK), and each academic program has successfully completed the validation procedure. As a result, on April 28, 2023, UDEA and Coventry University (Great Britain) signed an agreement to introduce Coventry University programs in Uzbekistan, with the aim of delivering education and research practices at an international standard.

The University offers the following educational programmes under license No. 325388:

Undergraduate Programmes
60410200 – Accounting
60410600 – Banking
60410900 – Business Management
60410500 – Finance and Financial Technologies.
60410800 – Management
60411200 – Marketing

Master’s Programmes
70410601 – Banking
70411001 – HRM — Human Resource Managment
70410901 – MBA — Master of Business Administration
70410802 – Project Management

PhD and DSc programmes
08.00.07 – Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
08.00.16 – Digital Economics and International Digital Integration

Coventry University Programmes
Accounting and Finance (Foundation)
Digital Technologies (Foundation)
Business (Foundation)
BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business
BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance
BSc (Hons) International Finance and Banking
BA (Hons) Marketing and Public Relations
BA (Hons) Business Management and Leadership
BA (Hons) English and Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)