BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance

About the Programme

The BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance programme provides students with in-depth knowledge of finance and accounting. This course is designed to meet the modern requirements of the business and financial industries, equipping students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Students delve into financial reporting, taxation, financial data analysis, management accounting, and other key aspects of the financial world. The program also includes hands-on experience with software commonly used in financial institutions and accounting practices.

Career Prospects

Upon completion of the programme, graduates are well-prepared for professional careers in financial accounting, management, consulting, taxation, auditing, and risk management. These career paths involve responsibilities such as preparing financial statements, overseeing financial operations, providing expert financial advice, specializing in taxation, conducting financial audits, and analyzing and managing financial risks to optimize performance and safeguard assets.

After successful completion of the undergraduate programme, students become holders of an international diploma recognized throughout the world!

Duration: 3 years

Study Mode: Full-time

Language: English

Contract fee for citizens of Uzbekistan: 34 500 000 ( per 1 academic year)

Сontract fee for international students: 6 000 USD (per 1 academic year)


BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance

Why choose to study our programme?

Coventry University’s BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance is your key to professional success! Explore the intricacies of the financial world, master accounting and analysis skills, become an expert in financial strategy and business management, and discover a world of opportunities in the financial industry!