Malika Akbarovna Qodirxonova – the keynote speaker at the ROUND TABLE dedicated to the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”.

February 8, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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⭐️ Spikerimiz bilan tanishing!

🗯 Qodirxonova Malika Akbarovna 2015—2019-yillarda Toshkent viloyati “Ayollar tadbirkorligiga koʻmaklashish” markazi rahbari sifatida xotin-qizlar oʻrtasida tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish borasida katta ijobiy natijalarga erishdi.

🤩 300 nafar tadbirkor ayol faoliyat yuritgan boʻlsa, 2019-yilda ularning soni 4 000 nafardan oshgani buning dalilidir. „Nogironlar — tadbirkor ayollar“ uyushmasining Toshkent viloyatida tashkil etilgani ham Malika Akbarovnaning saʼy-harakatlari samarasidir.

⭐️2018-yilda “Doʻstlik ordeni” bilan taqdirlangan.

⭐️ 2021-yilda Oliy Majlis Senatining Xotin-qizlar va gender tengligi masalalari qoʻmitasi raisi etib saylandi.

❗️Eslatib o’tamiz, 11-fevralda nishonlaydigan “Ilm-fan sohasidagi ayollar va qizlar xalqaro kuni” munosabati bilan, UDEAda DAVRA SUHBATI o‘tkaziladi.

🗓 Sana: 8-fevral (Payshanba)
Vaqti: 15:00
📍O’tkaziladigan joyi: Axborot-resurs markazi (Kutubxona)

Ushbu tadbirga barchangizni taklif qilamiz!


⭐️ Meet our key-note speaker!

🗯 From 2015 to 2019, Malika Akbarovna Qodirxonova achieved significant positive results in the development of women’s entrepreneurship as the head of the “Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship” Center in the Tashkent region.

🤩 The number of women entrepreneurs in the region increased from 300 in 2015 to over 4,000 in 2019. Additionally, the establishment of the “Disabled Women Entrepreneurs” Association in the Tashkent region is also a result of Malika Akbarovna’s dedication.

⭐️ Awarded the “Order of Friendship” in 2018.

⭐️ In 2021, elected as the Chairperson of the Women’s and Gender Equality Committee of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.

❗️ We would like to remind you that in celebration of the “International Day of Women and Girls in the Field of Science”, a ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION will be held at UDEA.

🗓 Date: February 8 (Thursday)
⏰ Time: 15:00
📍 Venue: Learning Resource Center (Library)

You are very welcome to attend this event!

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February 8, 2024
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm