Gender equality

Gender equality is a fundamental right.

Gender is a social aspect of relations between women and men that manifests itself in all areas of social life and activity, including politics, economics, law, ideology and culture, education, and science.

The concept of gender equality refers to the equality of rights and opportunities between women and men in all areas of social life and activity, including politics, economics, law, culture, education, science, and sports.

Basic principles for ensuring gender equality
– Legality;
– Democracy;
– Openness;
– Transparency.

The equal participation of women and men in the competition for leadership positions in the civil service is guaranteed by Uzbek legislation.
  • The personnel services of state bodies are also obliged to provide information on the ratio of the number of women and men working in relevant civil service positions.
  • Both the mother and the father are entitled to paid leave in connection with the birth of a child. The duration of the parental leave may be divided between them at the discretion of the parents, in which case the parent may use the leave in parts.
  • If a person believes that he or she has been subjected to direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of gender, he or she has the right to appeal to the competent authorities or the court. In this case, no state fee is charged from the person who has been subjected to direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of gender.