200 FULLY FUNDED GRANTS from JSCB «Agrobank»

UDEA is announcing 200 fully-funded scholarships from JSCB «Agrobank» for the following Coventry University (UK) programmes:

  • BSc (Hons) Information Technology for Business
  • BSc (Hons) International Finance and Banking
  • BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance
  • BA (Hons) Marketing and Public Relations
  • BA (Hons) Business, Management and Leadership

What does the scholarship bring me?

A fully-funded scholarship will provide the successful student with full 4-year tuition fee coverage!


  • IELTS score of 6.0 (Writing component 5.5) or above.
  • Coventry University English Test (CUET)* score of 6.0 (Writing component 5.5) or above.


*CUET is the test that applicants take to qualify for applying to Coventry University programmes at UDEA when they do not have an IELTS certificate.

Scholarship application process

  1. Submit your documents* via lms.udea.uz platform. 
  2. Be successfully accepted to one of the Coventry University (UK) programmes at UDEA
  3. Pass the interview* with JSCB “Agrobank” representatives.
  • Interview period: Our call operators will call you and inform you on the date and time of the interview
  • Interview format: Offline, on the premises of UDEA or online mode
  • Interview context: On achievements and future plans
  • Interview languages: Uzbek/ Russian