News | UDEA


During the trip, students visited prominent agricultural enterprises in Jizzakh, including the Agro In Vitro complex and BMB Holding, known for its saffron production. These visits provided the students with insights into innovative agricultural practices and the region’s contributions to the industry. The tour of...
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Yangi bosqichga Magistratura bilan qadam qo‘ying! UDEA’da to‘xtovsiz o‘sishni maqsad qilganlar uchun magistratura dasturlariga qabul davom etmoqda! — Bank ishi (2 yil)— Loyiha boshqaruvi (1 yil)— Biznesni boshqarish (2 yil)— Inson resurslarini boshqarish (2 yil) ✅ Kirish sharti: mutaxassis fanlaridan suhbat. Afzalliklar: Soha bo‘yicha chuqur...
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This programme attracted ten students from various German universities and aimed to provide an in-depth look at Uzbekistan’s diverse agricultural sectors, including horticulture, vegetable farming, fisheries, livestock, and soil science. Participants engaged in a variety of educational activities, such as seminar classes, masterclasses, and visits...
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